Have an of you ever heard the music created by Symphony of Science. It is really an experience to listen to it, even though it’s a collection of scientist’s talks set yo an auto-tuned track. I’ve always been truly impressed by the songs they have. Take a moment and listen to “We Are All Connected.“
Carl Sagan said that the Universe created humanity because it wanted to know itself. I take it a step further and say that we have eyes because the cosmos wanted to see itself. I also believe that all of our atoms were created inside of stars. Inside of each and everyone of us are pieces from all points in Time and parts that came from many places in the Universe. It’s amazing to think that at one time the elements we are made from did not exist. Therefore, before we were possible, iron and oxygen and many other atomic structures had to be imagined and created. Only later did it become possible to have organic machines as complicated as we are.
There is a famous photo taken by on of the Space Telescopes that looks like an eye.
The last time I wrote about metaphysics and our amazing existence, I told how I thought Super Clusters looked like bigger versions of neurons in our brains. I explained how our consciousness might continue to exist as part of this larger structure even after our bodies die. The similarities of such large structures and tiny ones inside of our bodies can not be a coincidence. There is a bigger picture out there and we will someday find it.
You can read my last post on super clusters and neurons here: https://fictionweekly.com/what-happens-when-we-die/
The galaxy above is amazing, but below I leave you with another beautiful representation of how our Universe exists right inside of us. Our eyes look more like galaxies than the galaxy above looks like an eye. Isn’t this unbelievable.