1. Know what you want!
People say: this is easier said than done. But it’s done by many people and it’s the most important step to the getting everything you want.
2. Know what you don’t want.
Obviously, we know what we don’t want. So, this comes down to finding the courage to rid yourself of it. Carlos Castenada said, “You either make yourself miserable or you make yourself strong, the amount of work is the same.”
3. Focus on what you want.
Take a moment, everyday, for Meditation and visualize yourself doing the thing you want. The more you do this the closer you come to having it.
4. Work toward your goal everyday in a structured manner.
Set an uninterrupted time to work toward your goal. Don’t take phone calls, tell your housemates to not bother you, and let everyone know this is not a request. If they interrupted, you must start over. Yes, this will become the most important part of your day and everyone must respect it. Because let’s face it, if you’re continuously interrupted while working you are not in an atmosphere conductive to achieving your goals.
5. Evaluate your wants and don’t wants.
If you don’t have what you want, you don’t want it enough. Either that, or you must admit that you have exactly what you want. Wayne Dyer said, “You don’t get what you want. You get what you are.”
6. Believe in Yourself!
You are making this happen. All the good things, all the bad things, everything in your life is because you willed it into being. So, take Responsibility.