Living life on your own terms VS Living life by Life’s terms:
The misunderstanding is simple, but powerful

There are many people who are just beginning to wake up to their reality. They are slowly realizing that their very vibration creates both the seen and the unseen parts of their lives. Just as particles vibrate to create atoms and the unknown “strings,” or possibly it is the space itself that vibrates to create the particles, at some point in that exchange our vibrations are taken into account. We affect locally and also through entanglement, the reality we see and feel.
So, when you are meditating, you are not only affecting your mind and body, but also your friends and family because they are entangled to you. If you’re interested in learning about entanglement and how scientists think it works, a quick google search will keep you busy for hours. But, what I want to point you to you is that very powerful vibrations come from you whether you believe it or not.
The fact that these vibration are coming from us and are affecting the world around us is starting to dawn on everyone. Not only because it has been proven over and over by practitioners, and possibly even been demonstrated by science, but also because it is so obvious to anyone who allow their disbelief to be suspended only for a moment.
Just the act of allowing yourself the possibility of having power and control over your thoughts changes the outcome so drastically and quickly that never again will there be doubts. It works because once you suspect your thoughts and intentions create something tangible, you immediately begin to pay attention to what you are thinking, who you are thinking about, and why you are thinking the way you do. This alone changes everything.
I have heard it said, that once thoughts are in control we can live life on our own terms. And while this sounds right and feels wonderful, the truth is exactly the opposite. We have actually started to live life on Life’s terms because we are finally in alignment with our true nature.
Before putting this idea away, please try to understand, that we are creators. We were created for the purpose of creating and endowed with the amazing ability to create anything we can imagine. Over and over, the fact and magnitude of our power is pointed out in religious texts. From Genesis Ch 9 to the new testament Gospels, it is repeated, saying, that because we have said it, it is done, and by our faith is it done, and that we can achieve anything we set our hearts and minds to. In addition, there are many ancient religious text that say the same thing, but instead of trying to be specific and miss the mark, I’ll let you find your own way from where you are now. So, Go and Live Life by the terms it has set, not the terms we have been programmed to believe by our schools and government.