Medicine People

Medicine Peopleby Thadd Presley   The man pushed the needle under her flesh and smiled when blood spurted into the chamber. He whispered into her […]

French Toast Tots

Open Letter to the industrial leaders of the world, Dear Mr. Musk; Mr. Bezos; and Mr. Branson, Please consider the following advancement to our civilization […]

Oddly Pronounced

A beautiful woman stops abruptly in her tracks. Her eyes locked on a man in the crowd. Taken both by surprise and intrigue, she found […]

Deep Thought

“Don’t allow your deep thoughts to affect the happiness someone else gets from enjoying simple things.” Thadd Presley

Life’s Terms or Your Terms

ust the act of allowing yourself the possibility of having power and control over your thoughts changes the outcome so drastically and quickly that never again will there be doubts.