Receiving your Desires (As Above, so Below)

As Above, So Below

and what it means to You

There is an inside and out, an up and down, a yin and yang.

“As above so below” means that the universe is just as you are: magnificent, rich, powerful, vast, and largely unknown until you spend time and effort uncovering the mysteries.

There is a magic to the Universal Laws. A recipe. It’s not complicated by any means. In fact, the emotional ingredients mix together into one concoction once their attributes are understood. It is easy to replicate it once you do it the first time.



The goal is to mix all these together and cook it in the oven of your Subconscious Mind.

First: Know your desire. Can you see yourself with it, doing it, telling others about it?

I ask this because you have to know what you want inside and out, up and down, because knowing how it feels to have what you want is very important to receiving it and keeping it. If you can imagine yourself already living with your desire and express the emotions associated with receiving it, which is gratitude and thanksgiving, the universe will be forced into manifesting it into your life.

Why? Because “as above, so below.” As you believe, so it is. There is no alternative for the universe except to make what you truly believe a reality. This is the source of all the power within you.

Answer this question about “As Above, So Below” and consider where your life and all you have originates. Do you think below refers to you and above to the universe? Many people believe they are below the universe. But it’s wrong.

As above (as you) believe, so below (the universe) manifest into reality.

The fact that you believe you deserve your desire is vital to how and when you receive it. This is where Intention comes into play. We address our Intention to understand why we want our desires and what we plan do with them. This is only a mental process to affirmation that our desire is good and beneficial.

For some reason, our subconscious mind blocks selfish desires from manifesting into our lives. Not because the universe doesn’t want us to have what we want, but we don’t believe we deserve them.  Much time and energy is spent (wasted) on trying to convince ourselves we can have our desires.

Once you  truly convince yourself that you are worthy of the things you want, then you enter a waiting period of Gestation, which is largely controlled by your Expectation/Faith.

Finding and using techniques to unblock the mental barriers keeping you from your desires is where lives are truly changed forever.

The time spent waiting for your desire is drastically shortened once you can believe that you deserve it because only then can you see yourself having it. You must teach yourself how to be thankful for your desires even before they are fully manifested.

One place to begin is knowing that you can have anything you desire. There’s plenty of it in the world, no one will suffer if you get a new car, more money, or a prettier roof over your head? You are not robbing anyone or depriving them of it because you have it. There is plenty to go around.

The process of blending these ingredients together should bring them all into one action  that makes it easier for you to believe “you deserve and already have your desire.” Two of my favorite methods to use are:

Meditation: If you don’t know how to meditate, look it up.
Drawing a Sigil: If you don’t know what this means, look up how to draw a sigil.

This should be performed in a way to place the belief that you will receive your desire into your subconscious. I know it sounds time consuming, but it isn’t. A few minutes everyday will change our life.

I would try to explain meditation and how to draw a sigil, but others do it so well, I should leave it to them.

You will know when it’s time to stop creating sigils and meditating on a certain desire. I can’t explain it, but you will know.


Good luck. But, you won’t need it.