A Walk to the Fishing Hole by thadd presley The air shimmered with mist, clinging to the last vestiges of nighttime chill like […]
Tag: fiction weekly
After the Ambush
After the Ambush by thadd presley Over the next few days, Victor slept through the day and traveled at night. He picked his way through […]
Stewed Thoughts
Today’s Special Stewed Thoughts, with Over-Ripe Opinions Home-Grown Philosophies While They Last!! Sweat Drenched, Steaming. The long, hot Nights slowly melting into Tomorrows, […]
Medicine People
Medicine Peopleby Thadd Presley The man pushed the needle under her flesh and smiled when blood spurted into the chamber. He whispered into her […]
Rubbish Day (part 3)
Thadd Presley For a while, Jerald allowed them to race with him side by side, speeding at nearly eighty on the newly black-topped road towards […]
Rubbish Day (part two)
There weren’t many Porsche in this condition. Ever since James Dean wrecked and killed himself in the same car, they were prize possessions and most […]
We are a Spiritual Manifestation
This is an except from a Jordan Maxwell talk. I made it into a poem of sorts. I am pure spirit I always have been […]