Don’t Plan For Worst Case Scenarios

“Worst Case Scenarios and Why You Should Never Plan For Them”


Someone just told me they plan for the worst case scenario, just in case it happens. I believe they think they are doing the right thing by planning for the worst outcome, but I say: planning for the worst outcome is the absolute worst thing anyone could ever do to their future.

Here is why:

Exactly where do you think the future comes from? Do you think it will be an accident when it gets here? Do you think it’s planned out before hand, as if we are on a roller coaster ride with no control of how it’s going to turn out? Do you think there is force in the universe that takes our desires and weighs it against what we deserve and decides what we should get one way or another?

I’ve heard it said in many different ways, but it always comes down to the same principal. When we think about the worst thing that could happen to us, we are creating the possibility for that exact outcome. And our thoughts affect our future and, not only that, they affect the futures of those around us. For example, in one case alone, our thoughts affects the outcome of our desires and our dreams and the very things that we spent my time and energy to create, but there’s more than just us depending on the outcome of our future. Family, co-workers, friends, teammates, lovers, and everyone else who wants to see you be a happy and successful person.

Instead of thinking of the worst that could happen to us, we should spend our valuable time in a much wiser way: such as, thinking about all the great things that are going to happen because we achieved the goal we had in mind. Again I point out: We think of the good things that will happen because we succeeded and even out-did our wildest expectations.

Our thoughts are not on winning or losing. They’re about the wonderful things that will happen because we won the day. Will we become rich or famous or travel the world or a combination or all three at once.

But, I can hear you say: I think of all that stuff, too. I’m just planning on the worst in case scenario just in case something happens.

Well, like what? What might happen?
And I warn you to be careful because you’re thoughts have unmeasurable, an possibly unlimited power. So, only do this if you are sure your thoughts do not affect the future and, even then, only do it for a second. But, what type of plan do you have and for what worst outcome are you preparing? How many “worst happenings” do you plan for? Does it go as far as death and do you have your life insurance paid up?

Well, that’s exactly what I mean.
So, let’s face the facts. You either believe that we can create our version of reality and get to experience the things we want or you don’t. You believe that we are either in control of our life or we’re not. You believe that God either wants you to be a prosperous person overflowing with all your desires or he doesn’t.

You either believe that our thoughts have some power beyond the pictures and sounds they make in our head or you don’t. You either believe we are an important part of the universe or we are just something in the universe?

So which is it? Are we a part of it or are we just something in it?

I want you to know that your thoughts do affect the universe because they are part of the universe, and not just some part of the universe, you are an important part, a creating part, a thinking part, a deciding part. You are alive and your thoughts are alive. Act like it. You are not a victim of what happens to you, you are a creator of what happens to you and to the universe.