Master Your Reality Today

Mastery of your Life Begins Here


Mastery of these 14 laws will bring you into perfect harmony with the experience you desire for yourself. Simply knowing the laws is an important part of realizing how you’ve been creating your reality all along. By thought, perception, and expectation you have allowed your desires to fall out of harmony. Your life is exactly the way you wanted it and by learning these laws you will begin to create with an awareness that will immediately change your thought, perception, and awareness.

  • 1 – The Law of Divine Oneness – We live in a connected world, all is part of the source energy, we are all parts of the same thing. We are part of the same Energy.  “I Am That I Am”  describes everyone of us because we are all That we see, all the we hear, and all that we touch, taste, and perceive. We are all One.
  • 2 – The Law of Action – Manifestation relies on action, action is energy in motion  — emotion is feelings in motion. We must learn to use our emotions in a conscious way and apply our focus “the action” on the things we want in our lives. The great thing about this Law is that it begins to work immediately.
  • 3 – The Law of Vibration – Everything moves in waves. Check out the science of Cymatics and you’ll be amazed at the physical changes sound creates in matter and material. In the world we see many of the same patterns everywhere. From the smallest atom to the largest galaxy, we see that spirals and circles rule the world that we can see. But there is an unseen world which is ruled by vibration, ranging from low frequency to high frequency. Our reality is the outcome of these vibrations. The great thing about this is the fact that the vibrations that govern our experience come from us directly. So, when you make a conscious effort to raise your vibration, you reality changes immediately.   (note: the best and fastest way to raise your vibration is through Gratitude.)
  • 4 – The Law of Correspondence – Inside is outside, just as above is below. Everything is has a Yin and Yang and, although things might look as if they are going badly, we must realize that a bad thing is not the opposite of good. It is part of good. It’s the lower frequency and so the two need each other in order to describe itself. Without black there’s no way to truly describe white or any of the colors. In order to enjoy the good times, you must have bad times. We need one end of a stick just as much as we need the other. It’s how we perceive the thing we are experiencing that makes all the difference.  When you get something you don’t want, use it to practice the art of raising your vibration. This will change your reality so fast and in so many surprising ways.
  • 5 – The Law of Cause and Effect – Nothing happens by chance, we reap what we sow. There’s that circular pattern again. So, now that we know how our emotions and high vibrations can be focused to change our present situation we will begin to realize there is no future and there was no past. It is all happening NOW. If you want to change tomorrow, Now is when you do it. Sit down, focus, raise your vibration by showing gratitude and change you life right NOW.
  • 6 – The Law of Compensation – The visible effects of our offered energy. This is in direct agreement with Law 5. Once we offer energy,  the universe has no choice but to respond with an agreeing energy. This is why we only want to offer  energy of high vibration. The reality which we make for ourselves is a direct compensation for our thoughts, emotions, and actions.
  • 7 – The Law of Attraction – Because of the laws above, we can only attract like energies. This is the basis of all reality. You can learn to manipulate this law and immediate changes will take place in your life. For example,  when negative thoughts persist speak aloud the things you are grateful for and be specific. Although it might not feel like it, you will be attracting GOOD things into your life by doing it.
  • 8 – The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy – All people have the power to change the conditions in our lives by understanding these 14 laws. Reality is the manifestation of the vibrations we offer into our NOW condition. As we grow more and more conscious of these laws and make changes in our thoughts and actions, the ever changing reality we live in has no problem in becoming a different experience. Energy can not be destroyed. It can only be changed from one state to another and it’s always changing. With these laws we know how to shift the change to our benefit.
  • 9 – The Law of Gestation – It takes time for big things to manifest.  Some call it divine timing, some call it coincidence, but every thought, every word, and feeling is a seed and will germinate into reality at the right time. Because we are the planters and the universe our garden, we will soon realize that it is our unconscious timing that we later say was perfect timing.” We knew all along and we set it up all up in advance for ourselves.  This is true also for the sabotage in our life. By remaining in a state of low vibration, we are sabotaging ourselves.
  • 10 – The Law of Relativity – Each person will receive challenges to strengthen the vibration within us all and allows us to compare our life to others, it is all relative, all perspective. But, in the end, we will understand that we needed all we experienced for a comparison and we were creating our own reality the entire time. Nothing happened that we didn’t plan for ourselves and benefit from; nothing was ever truly out of our control. The knowledge of this is why you can become a master of reality.
  • 11 – The Law of Polarity – Everything is on a continuum, there is no up without down, no out without in, it’s only how we look at our current situation and compare it to other situations that we begin to create patterns familiar to us. You have to see darkness before you know exactly how much light is needed to see the things you want to see, so you can know what you want to know. Too much light is just as bad as complete darkness. Blindness can result from too much of either.
  • 12 – The Law of Rhythm – Everything moves to certain a rhythm. Life is a series of ebb and flow, masters know how to rise above a rise in tide by not getting too excited, by realizing that the up and down part of life come and go. These are the result of the vibration patterns reality is built upon. However, we can soften the peaks and valleys and possibly slow the timing of the rhythm.  But, who wants to look back at their life and see a flat line?
  • 13 – The Law of Belief – Whatever we fully believe eventually becomes our reality, even if it is not factually true, we can make it so. “As a man thinketh, so he becomes.” The fact that our faith governs many aspects of our life is documented in many religious texts and numerous bible stories. You must have faith.
  • 14 – The Law of Gender – Everything has it’s masculine and feminine energies — just like yin and yang, and both have to be understood to be fully manifested into our experience.  Just like many of the other laws, it takes both to be completely experienced in full detail.

While we put our self into a higher vibration, you will notice theat your wants and needs are coming faster and faster. The universe has always been in alignment with you. We are not molded by our surrounding, but our surroundings are created by us. NOW is different for every person, even if they are in the same place doing the same thing, eating the same foods, see the same people, and working at the same job. We create and sustain the energy needed to make the changes we want to experience.

There are four needs for the physical body: food, sleep, sex, and defense.

There are three needs for the mind: information, emotion, and creative expression

There are three needs for the spiritual body: Knowledge of Eternity, which is our version of afterlife and what we think we know about it; Knowledge in general, which is what we put into our brains and use to construct our current perception; and we need Happiness, which is the goal  of thinking and acting in the NOW.