This Thanksgiving, I’d like to share with you what Gratitude is and how to make your Gratefulness a more powerful emotion. And, who is affected by your emotions and thoughts.
You are not the only person you affect. You’re Gratitude is only the beginning wave that continues outward forever affecting everything it touches.
We all say “Thank You” when someone gives us something or helps us in some way. But, do those words really express what you feel for that person in that moment? What feelings or emotions do you really feel? What does “thank you” mean? Appreciation? Togetherness? This is an important question because what you feel has a deep connection with everything and everyone in your life. Obviously, the people in your immediate environment are affected by the way you feel on an emotional and spiritual level, but you might be surprised to learn that your feelings are felt on the physical level as well. It is like a ripple through space and everyone can feel it.
Emotions are an important working part of the physical world. You might know of someone who got physically ill from being depressed too long or heard of someone who died from a broken heart. These stories are true because our physical well-being is affected by emotions, and not only our own but everyone’s emotion all the time, which is a huge vibration compounded on top of vibrations.
So, on Thanksgiving this unbelievably huge emotional wave is created by everyone who feels grateful for the things in their life. And it will be a magnificent event this year because more and more people are waking up and seeing the truth.
Gratitude has a very specific vibration. It is the highest of all vibrations and it affects everything. And I mean everything. But there’s much more to it than that.
We know that an emotional wave will affect the people around you and have an effect on the future you will have with those people, but unlike a wave in the ocean, the emotional vibration also affects people who are not near you. The people you have a connection with will benefit from the high vibration you feel. How is that possible?
You might not know how it’s possible, but you don’t really need to know for it to be true. You might say, you don’t need to know how a tree works in order to enjoy the fruit hanging from the branches. Trust that the roots know what to do and the trunk knows it’s place, but enjoy the fruit all the while.
I want to share with you my method of “conscious gratitude.”
I think the most important thing about being grateful is to be specific. I try to avoid platitudes. I try not to think: I’m thankful to be alive. Instead, I take a moment to consciously think of all the things in life that I enjoy.
You can see where this would change what I feel and about what I’m feeling it towards.
Don’t just say “thank you.” Instead, say “thank you for helping me ….” And say their name. People like when you use their name. Make your emotion specific.
Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone
I hope this new year is the best you’ve had yet.